Laurel Township Recreation Committee partners with BYF to create a new named grant - 10/4/16
Brighten Your Future (BYF), the Logan-Hocking community’s program to provide access to higher education for graduates of Logan High School, is proud to announce that they will be representing the Laurel Township Recreation Committee to establish a yearly named grant in their name. The Laurel Township Recreation Committee is dissolving its private scholarship fund and partnering with BYF to create a new named grant for a Laurel Township student for many years to come.
The Laurel Township Recreation Committee was formed shortly after the Logan-Hocking School Board of Education consolidated the Gibisonville Elementary with the Rockbridge Elementary in 1973. The Gibisonville Elementary School property was then offered to the Laurel Township Trustees and the Trustees accepted. In 1974 a group of local Laurel Township residents met with the Township Trustees to form the Laurel Township Recreation Committee.
The Laurel Township Recreation Committee’s initial challenge was to assist the Township Trustees with events and activities to assist with fund raising to save as much of the property as possible.
Over the past 42 years, scores of Laurel Township residents, Gibisonville School students, graduates and others have been involved with the Laurel Township Recreation Committee activities. Fortunately, the elementary building and gymnasium have been saved and maintained as well as other outdoor activity areas.
The Laurel Township Recreation Committee would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude for all of the support they have received through the years and Brighten Your Future would like to thank the Committee for choosing them to carry on the important legacy of this group.Type your paragraph here.
LHS alumni celebrated at BYF breakfast
Khibbard May 31, 2016
LOGAN — There was a flurry of familiar faces on Saturday as Brighten Your Future sponsored the 37th annual Logan High School Alumni Day.
Stivisons establish BYF named grant
April 26, 2017
LOGAN — Paul and Suzanne Stivison, lifetime Logan residents and Logan High School graduates, recently established a named grant with Brighten Your Future (BYF).
Trustees of Brighten Your Future (BYF) met recently to consider recommendations from their grant review committee. Following the report, they approved grants for 46 Logan High School graduates. The grants for 2017-18 school year total $81,902, the largest amount in BYF history. Forty-three students received $1,800 each and three students received partial grants. Nanette Swinehart, Executive Director of Brighten Your Future, explained that the dollar amount given in grants each year is based on the earnings of the assets in the trust fund.
BYF Grants are based solely on need, which is determined from documents the students provide as part of their application, including copies of their student air report (FAFSA) and financial aid award letter from their school, according to Swinehart. "Need" is strictly a numerical calculation using this information.
Any person or organization that donates a cumulative amount of $10,000 or more to BYF has a grant given in their name every year. Thirty-three named grants were awarded to the following students for the 2017-2018 school year:
George and Lucy Shaw Grant
Hanna Toph, Mt. Carmel
Bill and Sandy Keynes Grant
Cole Baron, OSU
Logan-Holl Foundation Grant
Kaitlin Jones,OSU
Columbus Foundation Grant
Hannah Barlow, Asbury University
Drs. Harley and Floyd Stone Grant
Rylee Daubenmire-Yates,OU
Logan Rotary Club Grant
Jordan Bungard, OU
Logan-Hocking School District Employees Grant
Isaiah Pickell, Rio Grande
The Gruner Family Grant
Sklar Champ, Wooster
The Citizen’s Bank Grant
James Wells, Ohio Christian University
National City Bank Grant
Tiffany Dalton, OU
Max and Lori Davidson Grant
Alicia Clark, Mt. Carmel School of Nursing
Gale Farmer Grant
Paige Daubenmire, Hocking College
James and Mary Huffman Grant
Benjamen Starkey, Ohio University
Hugh and Kathy Morton Grant
Jakob Goins, Muskingum
Richard C. Brown, Ph.D. Grant
Jacob Brown, OU
Leroy Phelps, Ph.D. Grant
Alexis Hill, Wittenberg
Barton and Regina Holl Grant
Evan Delong, OU
Larry P. Gerstner Grant
Josie Duke, OSU
AMVETS Post 1776 Grant
Autumn Lawless, Hocking College
Marian Sinsel Grant
Sydney Hunter, OU
Joseph and Roseanne Thomas Grant
Rachel Modzelewski, OU
Pamela Dotson Grant
Madison Gabriel, OU
Harold Rheinscheld Grant
Luke Kemper, West Virginia University
Harold and June Drummond Grant
Sharon Lunsford, Capital University
Lenora Sater Pausch Grant
Ambir Myers, OSU
Frederick M. (Rick) Ervin III Grant
Kristen Eads, Ohio University
Faith and Mary Ruth Krinn Grant
Isaiah Smith, Ohio Dominican University
Creighton Phelps Grant
Jordan Wolfe, University of Kentucky
LHS Class of 1952 Grant
Bailey Simons, Ohio University
Daniel J. Matheny Grant
Danny Koska, Ohio University
LHS Class of 1950 Grant
Caleb Taulbee, Wittenberg University
John E. Krieg Grant
Taylor Myers, Coastal Carolina
LOGAN - In Tuesday's edition of The Logan Daily News, a name was erroneously reported in the "Logan High School alumni recognized at BYF breakfast" story.
The paragraph should have read: Lenora Sater Pausch graduated from Logan High School in 1959 and received her Bachelor's Degree from The Ohio State University in 1963. Pausch, who passed away May 2, 2014, was a devoted fan of The Ohio State University athletics and also of the Cleveland Indians. She was a member of the Kappa Delta Sorority and a sponsor of the Pausch Family Scholarship Fund for The Ohio State University, Highland County students. Lenora's husband, Jerry Pausch, established the Lenora Sater Pausch named grant after her death to honor her. Accepting the award for Lenora is her sister, Ann Sauers, a 1965 LHS graduate and her brother Paul Sater, a 1961 LHS graduate.
The BYF executive director apologizes for the error and any inconvenience this may have caused the family.
Pictured are Brighten Your Future donors that were recognized and that attended the annual BYF Alumni Breakfast on May 23, 2015 at LHS. L to R first row: Judy Woolery, Marge Dollison (representing the LHS Class of 1952), Vera Gable (representing Rick Ervin), B.J. Smith, Trina Barrell. Second Row L to R: Butch Myers, Sharon Myers (representing Faith and Mary Ruth Krinn), Dick Brandt (representing Elizabeth Brandt), Don Gable (representing Rick Ervin), John Helber, Bob Lilley (representing Sally Lilley). Not pictured, but recognized for their donations to BYF at the breakfast are: Adaline Buchanan, Larry and Jayne Liff, Larry and Donna Swartz, Steve Polsley, Cummings Properties, Lenora Sater Pausch and Dr. Creighton Phelps.
Bert Larsimont
Brighten Your Future News
February 19, 2015
Brighten Your Future Receives Donation from Former Exchange Student
LOGAN — Brighten Your Future (BYF), a local non-profit organization that generates funds to assist Logan High School graduates continue their education after high school, has received a donation from a former Logan High School/Rotary exchange student.