Trustees from Brighten Your Future serve as the selection committee for the Leon and Lillian H. Eichel Scholarship Program. The Eichel’s were the owners of “Leon’s,” a long-time sundry store in downtown Logan, Ohio, for many years. The Leon and Lillian H. Eichel Scholarship Fund awards over $50,000 every year in scholarships to LHS graduates.
Pictured below are the members of the selection committee: Front row, Left to right: Jim Roush, Joe Murtha, Kim Norway. Back row, left to right: Chuck Taylor, Nanette Swinehart, Bob Lilley, Lee Ann Helber.
Brighten Your Future was established and formally registered in 1988 as a non-profit corporation according to Ohio Revised Code chapter 1702. The organization is governed by a board of trustees, which includes community members from diverse sectors like business, professional, and education. Detailed organizational and operational guidelines are specified in a collection of bylaws and regulations. Executive officers are elected on a yearly basis and their service is under the oversight of the board of trustees. The daily functions of Brighten Your Future are supervised by a part-time executive director.
Bob Lilley, President
Abby Saving, Vice President
Greg Vermillion, Secretary
Jim Robinson, Treasurer
Christy Bosch, Superintendent LHSD
Kim Norway (Executive Director)
Chad Grow
Jane Hall
Mackenzie Shaw
BJ Smith
Lee Howdyshell
Jeff Stimmel
Vikki Davidson
Jim Roush
Larry Kienzle
Joe Risch
Larry Gerstner
Joe Murtha
Nan Swinehart
Ed Penrod